How To Use This Website

Account & Friends Instructions

Anyone can access the GC site to view shows, Ted Poets, and more. You do need to sign up for an account in order to create your own personal record of the shows you have attended, including uploading photos, links to videos and jotting down memories. When you add friends, they can see the shows you have attended and can see the content you’ve uploaded to your personal record.


  1. To create an account, click on the My GC tab, or the Create/Update account link at the bottom of the site.

  2. Type in your name. This is the name that people will use to search for you within GC so make sure to use a name they will recognize!

  3. Type in your email address. An email will be sent with a link to verify the email address. If you don't see the email, check your spam / promotions folder! You must click on the link in the email before you can log in! The email will also contain your temporary password.

  4. Once you’ve logged in with the temporary password, you’ll want to update the password to something you can remember, and you can upload your own profile picture. To do so, click on the pencil icon on the avatar picture.


  1. To add friends, first search for friends that have already signed up for GC accounts by clicking on the Search GC Friends button. Once you invite the GC user to be your friend, it will appear in the Friendship Requests tab.

  2. If you don’t find a friend in the GC list, you can invite them to create their own account by clicking on the Invite a Friend to GC button. Type in your friend’s name and email address. There is a default email template, or you can click the Write a custom message checkbox and type in whatever you want. Once you are done, click Send. Your email will be sent to the email address you provided, and you can see the person’s name and email in the Sent Invitations tab.

  3. If someone sends you a friend request, you will see that in the Confirm Friends tab, and you can check Yes or No.

  4. Note that anyone that you accept as a friend will be able to see all of your My GC content, including all your photos, videos, show reviews and memories, for all of your shows.


  1. To create your list of shows that you have attended, after logging in, go to the Show Diary tab, which is the public view of all Goose shows. Find a show that you have attended then click the I went to this show button at the top. After doing so, go to the My GC tab and you’ll see the show there. You can upload up to 20 photos, copy/paste up to 5 video links, create your own show review and write your own memories for each show.

  2. Once you are logged in, for any public Show Diary you may see a people icon with +number in the corner. The number shown is the number of your GC friends that also attended that show.


GooseCommunity is a project of Western Sun Foundation, a non-profit organization. 
Website crafted by Daniel Baron | Joomla Design Studios