Goose Finds The Light On New Year’s Eve In Cincinnati

David Tracer |
Live For Live Music
| January 1st, 2023

Goose ended 2022, the band’s most successful year to date, with a New Year’s Eve show at the Andrew J Brady Music Center in Cincinnati, OH that was a monumental jam fest full of references to the future, love, and the dichotomy of darkness and light. The band opened firing on all cylinders with “All I Need”, reminding its loyal fans that as they journey into a new year “Things change but, you don’t realize, you have all you need.” Next, the band launched into two tunes off its 2022 album, Dripfield, with “Borne”, a gorgeous song that began sweet and slow but reached a massive peak before morphing directly into “Hungersite” with its (likely rhetorical) question “Is it time to shed our weapons yet, my friend?”


GooseCommunity is a project of Western Sun Foundation, a non-profit organization. 
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